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Порох – everybody knows shit s fucked i don t give a good goddamn your uncle sam is a motherfucker i don t wanna see him again have to pretend count to ten you blew up your towers to justify a war i don t really care what your arms are for more money on defence fuck hospitals fuck human beings fuck humanity the country i was born in sold its soul to you motherfuckers now you patrol both sides of the border no, i don t wanna listen to your order new world order new world order haven t got anything to lose 40 years old half dead got a noose in my hands somebody gave it to me i don t want it no, i don t want it. no you patrol both sides of the borders everybody knows shit s fucked there s no explanation for the third building falling toppling extinct we sing is what we are as a race if we don t face the fact the government fucks us up the ass creating another pearl harbour killin its own kind what for i don t know motherfuck